
Evolution Slimming Ltd

The Most Important Meal of The Day

  • The Most Important Meal of the Day?

    In our opinion the most important meal of the day has to be breakfast. When you skip breakfast it can make you snack throughout the morning which may make you consume more calories that your body really needs. In order to get a good breakfast you need to leave yourself time in the morning to prepare and eat your breakfast. Rushing around in the morning may make you forget that important meal and could disrupt your healthy eating plan for the rest of the day.
    Breakfast doesn't just need to be your normal run of the mill cereals although these are very tasty but you can choose from an extensive list of yummy breakfast ideas that are quick and easy to make and are quite affordable too.
    • Scrambled egg with wholemeal toast
    • Grilled baby tomatoes and sausages (at least 70% meat)
    • Yoghurt with Granola and added raisins
    • Boiled egg with wholemeal toast
    • Protein shake
    • Banana and yoghurt
    • Bacon, grilled tomatoes, sausages and mushrooms
    • Muesli
    Breakfast is really important for a healthy diet, it stabilizes your blood sugar throughout the day and may help you to stay on a healthy eating plan. It is always best to try and add fat, carbohydrates and protein to your breakfast to give you a balanced meal in the morning. If you do find it hard to eat a meal in the morning your best bet would be to try a high protein drink as this may make you feel full and is convenient if you are on the go. It is also important for children to receive a balanced breakfast before they go to school, it is easier to make a large breakfast that you can share than different breakfasts as this could become more expensive and more time consuming.
    Eating breakfast is crucial to a good start to the day, skipping breakfast can make you tempted to eat fast food or even chocolate and biscuits to keep you going to lunch which is what you want to avoid.
  • Eating well doesn't have to be expensive

    We all know that eating a varied and healthy diet promotes good health and a stable weight. Eating the right foods does not have to be boring or even expensive but you will need some organization beforehand. Dieting and eating well is like an investment, the more you put in the more you should get out and with a little pre organization that is exactly what you can get. Below are our simple tips on how to eat well on a budget without all the confusing fuss of unrealistic recopies which busy people rarely have time to prepare on a weekday!

    Shop On-line

    It’s so very tempting to go through the supermarket adding things to the trolley without properly adding them up in your mind. Wandering through the cake aisle can be a nightmare and an automatic magnet for people who love their sugary treats. With on-line shopping you can be more in control in the comfort of your living room without the hassle of navigating your way through a busy supermarket. On-line shopping supermarkets show you their latest bargains much easier, you can select to see the lowest priced items to the most expensive items and because you will have an account on-line you can quickly select your essentials whilst spending time going through your healthy eating optional foods. When doing on-line supermarket shopping the site should constantly show you the total amount your shopping comes to, this helps you to keep within budget.

    Little Ones

    A lot of mothers and fathers think that their toddlers will benefit from the prepared toddler food found sold in some supermarkets which can be quite costly. This is not always the case, your little ones can normally eat exactly the same as you are eating. Healthy meals mulched or purred are perfect for your little one. If you are eating a healthy meal containing lots of vegetables this is perfect for your little one. Not only are these types of meals much healthier but they are not as costly as prepared ready-made toddler food.

    Buy Whole Chicken

    Normally purchasing whole chicken is the most cost effective way to eat it. Purchasing chicken breasts on their own is normally far more expensive for less chicken. Some people do not like the brown meat on chicken but this is often the tastiest part and if you do not like it you can either give it to the dog or add it to stews where you will not be able to tell the difference. When you buy a whole chicken you will get the breasts, thighs and legs which all taste amazing and can be saved for the next day ready to take to work.

    Don’t waste leftovers!

    Normally when cooking a meal there is some left over’s, saving this food is perfect for either tomorrows lunch or evening meal. When re-heating meat make sure it is reheated to optimum levels to decrease the risk of food poisoning. Eating left over’s is a great way to keep away from fast food restaurants and allows you to eat a healthy meal in work without spending any more money! Chicken and beef are excellent examples which can be added to salads and pasta the following day.

    Buy Frozen

    There are some great alternative frozen products from frozen vegetables to frozen meat and fish. Buying frozen is handy for those times when your fridge is bare but you fancy a tasty dinner. Try to avoid ready-made frozen meals as they normally have high salt, fat and sugar content.

    Be prepared

    Making a list of your weekly meals is essential if you want to eat healthily and within a budget. Preparation is essential and cooking from scratch even on very basic recopies is normally much healthier and cheaper than their prepared alternatives. Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive, following a few easy tips is all it takes and could really make a difference to how you and your family eat at mealtimes.
  • Starting Your Last Diet?

    So often we have all thought this will be the time we will succeed in losing that awful weight and long term keeping the weight off but so rarely it is and we normally end up putting more weight back on after a pointless diet of near starvation and then getting fed up as it’s another diet yet again that did not work.
    There are many stages that you need to go through which may make weight loss a little bit easier for you.
    Stage 1 Has to be the reasons why you want to lose weight as this is the fundamental reason for starting your last diet and certainly has to stay with you at all times. Most of our reasons to diet are pretty much the same including better appearance, feeling healthier, not being embarrassed or feeling different from folk that are slimmer, the list is really endless but you need to get those reasons and feelings written down as a starting point.
    Stage 2 Take that photo you will be surprised how motivated a before and after picture will keep you -  so down to undies and take that snap. You should aim on taking a new picture every 4 weeks and when you see the results you will know you’re on the right path to feeling a whole lot better and healthier about yourself.
    Stage 3 If you’re serious about this being your last diet get yourself a health check before you start as your body will be going through some extreme changes so you want to start off in the best health you can.
    Stage 4 Plan this one is the hard one as it will be a day when your life should start to change for the better in so many ways – You will be losing weight for yourself as on this journey you become the most important aspect and really do have to become focused on yourself to succeed as we all know weight loss is not easy and controlling a food addiction is a constant battle with so many overweight people on a daily basis.
    Your planning stage can take several days it really is worth taking that time to start on the best possible front where you have everything in place to start so you avoid any excuses that we have all made to ourselves in the past why we just cannot stay on the diet – so planning is the key stage. Every day of your weight loss journey will consist of planning as this is the way you will stay on track no matter how boring it may become if you maintain your plan for the day you will succeed  in long term weight loss.
    There is no secret in losing weight the hard fact simple is - When you burn more calories per day than you eat you will lose weight that’s the no brainer!

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