
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Monday 17 March 2014

My size made it painful to walk but I couldn't resist beer or sugary treats: Obese woman loses 4st after finally beating urge to raid fridge at night

  • Amy, 23, was stuck in a vicious circle of failed diets and comfort eating
  • Her weight crept up to nearly 20st
  • She overindulged in sugary snacks, beer and raided the fridge late at night 
  • Hated her size but didn't know what to do about it
  • Tried diet plan of two shakes and a healthy evening meal a day for 90 days
  • Helped her kick start her new lifestyle
  • Now she eats healthy, exercises and is 4st lighter 

A young woman is finally beating her battle with the bulge after ditching fattening foods and taking up exercise.
Amy Andrew, from Ely, Cambridgeshire, was stuck in a vicious circle of failed diets and comfort eating.
She overindulged in sugary snacks and calorific beer until her weight crept up to nearly 20st. And even though she hated her size, she didn't know what to do about it.
Transformed: Amy has lost four stone after overhauling her eating habits and taking up exercise
At her heaviest, she weighed nearly 20st
Transformed: Amy has lost four stone after overhauling her eating habits and taking up exercise. At her heaviest, she weighed nearly 20st, right
The 23-year-old, who has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), found that she gained weight easily and struggled to lose it. 
She said: 'I can't remember how long my weight has been an issue it seems like my whole life. I guess in the past when I have tried to lose weight I haven't had the right mindset and drive to see it through to the end.


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'It was quite daunting at times, I did try my best, but it sometimes felt like it was a constant battle I couldn't win with my PCOS. 
'My diet was quite carb heavy and included sugary treats. Regular pub outings with friends, knocking back high-calorie beer then raiding the fridge for anything I could get my hands on didn't help either. 
'At the end of the day I loved food and I would eat anything without really thinking about it.'
More active: Amy said she's happier now she's lost weight
Before: Amy often felt uncomfortable and self-conscious
More active: Amy said she's happier now she's lost weight as before, right, she often felt uncomfortable and self-conscious
Amy said her weight of 19st 11Ibs made her constantly feel "extremely uncomfortable".
She added: 'It was very painful to do simple things, such as walking and standing for long periods of time.'
She also felt miserable that she was unable to fit into the trendy clothes other girls her age wore, like skinny jeans, so she avoided shopping trips and felt self-conscious about what she wore. 
She explained: 'There are certain tops or jeans I would want to get but they would either never have my size, or I would just look and feel stupid. My heavy frame also made me feel uncomfortable in certain clothes.'
Amy had tried and failed to stick to diets but fed up of feeling fat and frumpy, she decided to take decisive action by following the Body by Vi Challenge.
Temptation: Amy had to curb her urge to raid the fridge at night (posed by model)
Temptation: Amy had to curb her urge to raid the fridge at night (posed by model)
The diet involved a complete overhaul of her previous eating habits and would take motivation to stick to. The 90-day plan involves having two nutritional shakes a day with a low fat meal in the evening such as fish with rice and vegetables.
If she felt peckish, she was allowed to indulge in a snack of a "Vi-Nutra cookie", a protein and fibre treat that contains fruit and vegetable extracts.
Journey continues: Amy plans to keep her up new healthy eating and exercise regime
Journey continues: Amy plans to keep her up new healthy eating and exercise regime
After sticking to the plan for 90 days, Amy was delighted to lose 2-and-a-half-stone.
She said: 'I'm not going to lie, at times it was hard. You have good and bad days but the results kept me going and you get used to eating less.'
After kick starting her diet via the plan, Amy was then able to start eating more foods again but found she had broken her previously unhealthy habits or overindulging and raiding the fridge at night. 
Her lighter size meant she also felt comfortable exercising so she was able to start going to the gym. 
As a result, her total weightloss is now 4st and she weighs 15st 11lbs. She hopes to keep losing weight as she maintains her new lifestyle.
Amy said: 'I no longer visit the fridge after a night out at the pub and I'm now able to exercise. My back pain has reduced with the weight loss, so I can go on walks regularly and go to the gym for cardio and weights. 
'I love my new figure and I know it's only going to get better. Finally I can see results, and even if I step on the scales and haven't lost as much as I wanted to I know to keep on going. And if I do grab a beer at the pub I know to work that little bit more in the gym and avoid the fridge before


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