
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Can’t Lose Weight? 5 Reasons Why And How to Fix Them by RON NELSON on MARCH 3, 2014

cantloseweightLAYERSAuthor:  Dr. Edwards (aka Chatta)
Have you made your New Year’s resolutions for 2014? Did you resolve to lose weight? If so, you’re not alone. Year after year, research tells us that “losing weight” is the number one New Year’s resolution people make. Unfortunately, only eight percent of people will actually achieve that goal. Many people think they’re doing the right things—eating less and exercising more—but they still can’t shed those stubborn pounds. If this describes you, the following five tips may help.
1. You’re Still Eating the Wrong Foods: Some diet programs will advise you to replace your normal meals with shakes, bars, smoothies, or other options that are not good for you for a number of reasons—1) they may have preservatives, chemicals, and other non-food ingredients that could cause health problems;
2) they often lack real food ingredients that your body needs, and
3) they set you up for failure when you do return to real food. I’m all for meal replacements, but what you want to do is replace foods that encourage weight gain with real, nutritious foods that encourage weight loss. Instead of saying you’ll have three rice portions a week instead of seven, replace all white rice with quinoa instead. It provides more
fiber and will break down more slowly in your system, helping you to stay satisfied and resist snacking later in the day. It also aids in digestion and has much more of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Some other healthy replacements include:

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