
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Friday, 29 November 2013

My weight loss story: 'The Happy Body' leads to a healthy outlook

Name: Kay Zimmerman
Age: 40
City: San Lorenzo
At some point, I just accepted that I was never going to be skinny. I wasn't happy about it, but it seemed to be my lot in life. Maxing out at 5 feet and not quite an inch, with a round face, expressive eyes and a big smile, I figured I'd have to settle for "cute" and "sweet," albeit a little bit chubby. Soon after I hit puberty, I settled into a size 10 and figured this was how it was meant to be. At some point, I accepted that it was simply my genes that dictated my roundness.
Many years later, after giving birth to my son, and especially after weaning him, my weight slowly crept up and I became more and more unhappy with my size.
I am a high school teacher and after one of my students innocently described me as "chubby," I knew something needed to change. My chiropractor suggested that I buy a book titled "The Happy Body." It was written by a couple who had been Olympic weightlifters, and it laid out an exercise and eating plan to transform my not-so-happy body into a leaner, more flexible, more youthful version of itself. The diet requires you to eat every three hours, five times a day. You eat a certain amount of calories based on your target weight and most of the food you eat is protein and produce. Each meal is small and lunch and dinner are one part protein to about three parts vegetable.
In the summer of 2011, after......

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