
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Monday 25 November 2013

The Walking Diet: lose weight and tone up without the gym

Goodbye, darling, have fun with the children, I’m off for a few days to a health spa where I’m going to learn how to walk.”
“Sorry, did you say 'learn how to walk’?” spluttered my spouse. “You can walk already! Look, you’re at it now, with that shiny new suitcase.”
“Ah, but that’s the thing; I can just walk about not achieving very much or I can walk, toning and tightening and stretching and whittling my waist and…”
To be honest, I didn’t believe a word of it myself, but a couple of nights in white-cotton-robe luxury was not to be sniffed at, and so I headed off to Ragdale Hall in Leicestershire to a Joanna Hall Walkactive weekend.
Here, I was supposed to gain the skills to walk fit, walk firm and walk off weight. But surely walking is just walking – how hard could it be?

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