
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Sunday, 20 April 2014

The skinny on holiday dieting By David Lindeman

I love Easter. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, too. It’s just the weeks after the holidays that are a problem.
There is one thing that all these events have in common. Food. Lots of food. Since I try to be as polite as possible, I would never dream of offending anyone by not eating all the great food people spend so much time making for holidays. Lots of food.
This turns out to be a like staying out on the beach too long or staying up that extra hour even though you know you have to go to work the next morning — it feels good at the time, but you end up paying for it later.
I know that this week many people will be like me and will be trying to get rid of the extra calories we built up over the weekend. So I did a little research. Here are our options, according to the latest diet crazes:
• The Paleo Diet. The concept here is that we should all eat lots and lots of protein and stay away from carbohydrates and other problem foods. This is the way cavemen ate, which for some reason seems to be a good thing. Since there no longer are wooly mammoths around, we’ll just have to do with steak and hamburger.
Of course, cavemen are pretty much extinct. In fact, scientists who know about this kind of thing say most of them lived to be only about 30 years old or so, which is hardly a ringing endorsement for a red meat diet. Maybe they were skinny, but it probably was because they spent half their time running away from sabre-tooth tigers and other scary creatures.
• The Potato Diet. Hah! You thought potatoes and other carbs were bad for you! Not so fast, caveman.

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