
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Your wise guide to healthy living on the north shore

Health and diet crazes come and go, but a recent gluten-free trend appears to be gaining ground with large strides.
Recent popular books such as Wheat Belly and Grain Brain have helped fuel concerns about gluten and an over-use of it in the typical North American diet. Along with a link to weight gain, some information suggests gluten can also contribute to serious health issues.
According to the Mayo Clinic website, gluten is a protein that is found in grains, such as wheat, barley, rye and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye). It is also found in many other products that are not bread related, including condiments and even makeup.
While the negative and positive effects of a gluten-free diet are still being debated, at least in the media, gluten-free products are making more appearances in grocery and health food stores.
"It's just a protein and for most individuals that aren't sensitive, it's absolutely fine to include gluten," says Diana Steele, longtime West Vancouver resident and registered dietitian (seen in the photo below). "But a lot of people have thought, well, this is a trend I can hop onto."..........

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