
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Friday, 31 January 2014

5 Super Bowl Snacks that Aren't as Unhealthy as You Think

5 Super Bowl Snacks That Aren't As Unhealthy As You Think

By the Editors of EatingWell
For many of us, the fun of Super Bowl Sunday comes from watching the game, the commercials--and from enjoying 4+ hours of non-stop snacking! But not every football snack is an all-out calorie blitz. With the right game plan, you can indulge while keeping your tight end.
We looked at 10 of the top Super Bowl snacks and put them in a face-off to see which would win in terms of health. Here are our top 5 healthy picks for Super Bowl snacks.
Chicken wings (3 = 150 cals.) VS. Baby back ribs (1 = 170 cals.)
Winner: Wings!
Post-Game Analysis: Not only do you get to eat more for a similar number of calories, wings are lower in sat. fat (2 g vs. 4 g). 

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