
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Friday, 31 January 2014

Keep The Ticker Healthy With Heart-Shaped Red Food

Red and Heart Shaped Fruits For Healthy Heart

Celebrate the ultimate red month -February, with Vitamin C and anti-oxidant rich heart-shaped food, says a nutritionist.
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 600,000 people die of heart diseases each year in the United States. The country observes February as the American Heart month  and National Cherry month to promote cardio-vascular health.
Katie Eliot, Assistant professor of Nutrition and Dietetics, Saint Louis University, said it is the perfect time to start eating red and heart-shaped fruits and vegetables for a healthy living. "Being red and heart shaped can be a tip off that some foods are good for your heart, " says Eliot in a news release.
Research shows heart-shaped foods are great sources of anti-oxidants that release free-radicals, which in turn shield against heart....

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