
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Lunden Souza: No quick fix for losing weight, getting healthy

Magic pills, quick fixes, fat torching in a week, bikini body in three days – we have heard them all.
I even have clients I train on a regular basis who still ask me about fad diets and whether I think that they would work for them. Our society is constantly bombarded by all of these false weight-loss claims, but if there were one real quick fix for shedding pounds, don’t you think everyone would do it?
This week I have four tips for fat loss that can and will work for everyone, but not overnight, in a week or even a month.
The first tip is to make sure you are strength training. Making your entire workout about cardio is really not doing anything for fat burning. When you are staying on the same machine at that same intensity for a long duration of time, you are burning calories only while on the machine and wasting muscle that your body needs to burn fat.
When you strength train, your body builds muscle. And what does muscle do? It burns fat. When you leave the gym and go about your day, whether it’s sitting down at work, running errands or working in the yard, the muscles you develop are constantly burning fat. For those of you who have never picked up a set of weights, even light weights, you definitely should start if you want to see results.

Read more here: http://www.mercedsunstar.com/2014/01/17/3446803/lunden-souza-no-quick-fix-for.html#storylink=cpy

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