
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Sunday, 31 August 2014

A few tips for a healthy living and eating right

Balanced diet: Eat a balanced diet of fruits, nuts, vegetables and whole grains.

Balanced diet: Eat a balanced diet of fruits, nuts, vegetables and whole grains.
Hyderabad: We are what we are because of the food that we eat. Right nutrition at all ages plays an important role in keeping a person fit. Nutritionists say that choosing the right foods will help us live a healthy life and save us from the early advent of lifestyle diseases.
Eat as much is required by the body and burn it out to avoid any excess accumulation in the body. All foods which look and taste good may not necessarily be of much use. Instead,their excess intake can be harmful. Eat natural foods, fruits and whole grains to ensure that the body has the right mix that keeps you energised.

‘Teenagers must choose the right food’
Eating habits among teenagers is quite often influenced by peer pressure. Junk food often ends up as the trendiest type of food on their list.
Madhurima Sinha, senior nutritionist at Care Hospitals, explains, “Educating children on the foods that influence their health must be a part of school and college curriculum. This is even more crucial for teenagers as their food intake is high, to keep up with their energy levels. Also, there is a strong urge to experiment with foods, which is good and must be encouraged but they should know how to decide what is good for them and what must be avoided.
Food-myths among teenagers which should be avoided
* Skipping breakfast is good for weight reduction
* Having 2-3 large meals is good
* Any quantity of vegetable oil can be used as its cholesterol-free
* Wheat products can be taken in unlimited quantity
*  Zero-fat diet is good
*  Only fruit and vegetable-based diet is good
Some must-follow guidelines
* Eat a balanced diet of fruits, nuts, vegetables and whole grains
* Eat to your heart’s content ........

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