
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Saturday, 22 February 2014

A dieting cookie addict's plea

We must stop them.
We must stop the millions of Girl Scouts who are, right this moment, preying on a helpless public, making us buy and consume calories we don't need — at the rate of one or two rows of cookies at each sitting.
I am on a diet, you see — not just a low-carb diet, but a low-fat diet, low-calorie diet. I am getting by on only 1,300 or 1,400 calories a day.
That means I can't eat sweets or drink adult beverages or consume pretty much anything that tastes good and makes me happy. I am giving up almost all my vices in one fell swoop — making me one of the least pleasant people you'd want to be around.
The only upside is that this diet is very effective — and it is working. It is monitored by well-educated administrators and coaches. I meet them every Saturday morning for a weigh-in and to discuss any untoward dieting challenges that I faced the prior week.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/l2eo654

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