
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Friday, 21 February 2014

The Truth About Saturated Fats

By Sally Kuzemchak, RD
For years you've been told that the saturated fat you eat is public enemy No. 1 in the battle against obesity and heart disease. Turns out, it may actually be -- gasp! -- good for you.
Related: Should You Go Gluten-Free? What You Need to Know

Good Fats Versus Bad Fats 
I was a card-carrying skinny-latte-drinking low-fat girl. I ordered frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, grilled chicken instead of steak, and I snacked on low-fat cheese and reduced-fat crackers. With a family history of high cholesterol (my own number hovered slightly beyond the healthy range), I figured that limiting saturated fat was smart.
But in the past couple of years I've made some changes. Inspired by the movement to eat locally, I started shopping at my farmers' market: 

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