
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Dr. John: Tougher for women to lose weight than men

KUSA - If you ever thought it was tougher for women to lose weight than men, you were right. But there are some chemical reasons behind this as well as ways to get past them.
Many women will say that they've experienced the frustration of watching their male partner seemingly lose weight almost effortlessly while they struggle to drop a few pound.
This oftentimes has to do with metabolism, meaning that some of us just burn calories faster than others. And generally speaking, studies show women burn calories slower than men.
Recent research showed that one reason may be an enzyme called Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1, or ADH1. It's known as the fat-holding enzyme because when it's active in our bodies, it helps us hold on and store more fat, especially in the abdominal area. This enzyme tends to be higher in women than men especially as t....

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