
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Monday 30 December 2013

Weight loss meal plan from a gourmet chef He discovered an unconventional diet that has helped him lose 70 pounds in seven months

Chef Bill Overdyk, who lost 70 pounds this year, is shown at Gateway Market. / Andrea Melendez/The Register
 On an otherwise routine day in May, Bill Overdyk decided to make a change. The chef de cuisine at Gateway Market says he wasn’t liking much about his life at the time. He was overweight, didn’t feel well, and knew things weren’t likely to magically improve.
“It was time to make a wholesale change in my life,” Overdyk, 35, said. “I was fat. I was stressed and tired all the time. I looked at my weight, my financial situation and my relationship, and I decided to make a change from the top down. I wasn’t in a place where I was feeling productive or creative.”
He knew the weight was something he could tackle immediately, so he began eating more healthfully and exercising; he stopped skipping meals, made sure to eat a good breakfast each morning, and “did all the things you read that you’re supposed to do — low carbs. Low fat. Low calorie. A lot of water.”

Khloe Kardashian talks nose jobs, weight loss and a 'fresh new start'

30 DECEMBER 2013Soon-to-be divorced Khloe Kardashian is ready to embrace the new year.

"I love the new year, new beginnings," the reality TV star, who recently ended her four-year marriage to NBA player Lamar Odom, told Cosmopolitan.

"I need a good fresh start; I'm excited for this year to be over with. You only live once so let's make that one time perfect. We can't fix our mistakes and imperfections, so let's have fun. You get what you give out of life."

While Khloe, 29, is ready to put her failed marriage behind her, she also revealed that she has no regrets.

"I don't regret anything about my life," she said. "My life has made me who I am at this moment, and I'm very happy with who I am. No matter if it's great, disgusting, beautiful or ugly, it happens and it makes you you. Life us about how you process things!"

Khloe welcomed a new niece this year after her sister Kim Kardashian gave birth to daughter North West back un June with he
See more http://tinyurl.com/nxeth7q

Family Meals Matter: Off to a good start

According to a 2013 study by YouGov, 65 percent of New Year's resolutions are about losing weight or getting in shape. However well-intentioned these resolutions may be, they are also often the first resolutions to fail.
Setting unspecific, lofty goals like "lose weight" or "get fit" instead of small, incremental and measurable goals like "eat breakfast" or "pack a healthy lunch" can be a recipe for resolution disaster. Get your New Year's Resolutions off to a good start with tips and recipes from Dairy Council of California.
Starting the day with a healthy breakfast is one small change that can make a big

Read more here: http://www.islandpacket.com/2013/12/30/2870266/family-meals-matter-off-to-a-good.html#storylink=cpy

New Way to Lose Weight in 2014: Get Low-Calorie Menus Sent to Your Inbox

/PRNewswire/ -- Trying to zap the fat but so bored by a steady diet of boneless chicken breaststhat you return to burger-and-fry-style standbys before losing a pound?  Just in time for New Year's resolutions, online meal planning serviceeMeals helps you stay on the weight loss wagon with a new Low-Calorie Menu Plan that comes straight to your computer or smartphone every week. Each installment includes seven make-at-home menus weighing in at 500 calories or less per serving. Bonus: wide variety to help keep you from reverting to old eating habits. 
In any given week, eMeals' low-calorie entrees

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2013/12/30/6035274/new-way-to-lose-weight-in-2014.html#storylink=cpy

'Cave Women Don't Get Fat': Ancient secrets to rapid weight loss

The Nutritional Benefits of the Paleo Chic Diet
'Cave Women Don't Get Fat'
Gallery Books
Here’s a simple fact: unprocessed foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish always—and I mean always—contain fewer calories than processed foods. Think about that for a moment. Actually, stop and think about what, exactly, a calorie is.
A calorie is a unit of energy. It’s a way for us to get a sense of the energy value that is contained within each food. You would think, then, that a calorie would be a constant, set unit of measurement — and it is, but, really, it’s not. Huh? Bear with me here. A calorie from one food source doesn’t always have the nutritional value of a calorie from another, less healthful food source. It’s just a fact that some calories that are better than others. 

Diet trends to help you lose weight in 2014

With 2014 finally upon us, many folks use the start of the new year to kick off their personal health goals. 
And for a nation in which two-thirds of U.S. adults are overweight and obese, that goal often centers around a weight-loss diet.
Federal health officials frequently tout a diet high in fruits and vegetables, and low in sugar, fat and salty processed foods

Sunday 29 December 2013

How to conquer New Year’s resolutions from quitting smoking to climbing Everest

Making a New Year’s resolution to improve your health?
I spoke with local experts in a handful of health fields about how to achieve health goals, and their advice – for conquering things ranging from anxiety to excess pounds to smoking – sounded surprisingly similar.
Let’s say you set a goal: climb Mount Monadnock. Quit smoking. Lose 50 pounds. Stop biting your nails.
If they’re outside your normal comfort zone, all big goals can seem as high, as far and as unattainable as the top of Mount Everest. If that goal really is out of reach, people realize it quickly, get frustrated and stop trying, the experts all said.
Mountaineers know no one gets to the top of Everest in one straight shot, and the experts all recommended tackling other goals the same way those climbers conquer towering peaks:
goals to aim for along the way to the summit, and celebrate when you reach each one. Then start looking up at the next one, and keep moving.

Website takes my weight-loss wager

Here I go again: The eating extravaganza that started with leftover Halloween candy has given way to another New Year’s resolution to lose weight.
You’ve undoubtedly guessed how this story usually ends. Aside from an isolated few years of extreme fitness, I’ve ranged from chubby to fat my entire adult life.
But this time might be different. I’ve enlisted behavioral economics, along with the disruptive powers of the Internet, in my annual quest for lasting willpower.
Economists have shown for decades that changing incentives can reshape an astonishing array of human behaviors from suicide to childbirth.
Lately medical researchers have been using the “prospect theory” of Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman to test whether financial incentives might improve health interventions such as weight loss and quitting smoking. The results are impressive.
A 2008 study by Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania found that dieters given carefully designed financial incentives were nearly five times more likely to hit a goal and lost three times as much weight as those with the same coaching but no money at stake. A similar experiment tripled the number who quit smoking.
And a Mayo Clinic study last year showed money could produce lasting weight loss.

Five new year's resolutions

Sunday, December 29, 2013
1. Lose weight: This one tops nearly every resolution list there is and lasts about five minutes. Doesn't seem to be worth the bother. Why not change it to gain weight? That way, if you don't reach your goal, you can feel accomplished instead of guilty.
2. Quit smoking: Although there are apparently some exceptions, cigarettes will probably kill you. Plus, it's inconvenient and expensive. Have you seen how much cigarettes cost these days? This could help you in another popular resolution: Saving money!
3. Take a trip: This is one from the us.gov website. I like this one. Everyone should try to get out of town -- it doesn't have to be anywhere exotic -- just for a change of scenery and a different perspective.
More.. http://tinyurl.com/m8yg4r6

Saturday 28 December 2013

Lose Weight With Dried Fruits

Dry fruits are fruits which lose all the moisture content. The fruit becomes rich in nutrients, carbohydrates and sugars. Dry fruits generally include almonds, cashew, pistachios, resins, etc. Dry fruits have been considerable beneficial for improving health and body metabolism. Dry Fruits have good energy content in them. People who have been suffering with diseases and lost drastic weights are advised to intake a lot of dry fruits to make up for the lost energy. Pregnant women and small children are also recommended to have dry fruits for increasing the nutrients. Dry fruits are generally considered good for weight gain. Dry fruits are rich in fat and energy. Losing weight with dry fruits is also possible.

Read more at: tinyurl.com/n8j74rs

Best diet discoveries of 2013, from weight loss chocolate to sleep slim-downs

If you're contemplating making resolutions to lose weight in 2014, you might get some carbohydrate-cutting clues by checking out the best weight loss discoveries of 2013. From dark chocolate's fat-burning finds to sleeping to slim down, Fit Sugar revealed the year's winners on Dec. 26.tinyurl.com/ks3yf6bo

Kandi Burruss loses weight after Kenya Moore 'Chick-fil-A' joke: Kandi flaunts tiny waist in new beach PHOTOS

Kandi Burruss Shows New Body!
(Photo : bravo)
"Real Housewives of Atlanta" star, Kenya Moore feels bad for "Chick-fil-A" comments about Kandi Burruss now that she has slimmed down and flaunts weight loss on Instagram.
Kandi posted her picture of her curvy figure on Instagram after Kenya criticized her eating habits and told her fans she wasn't upset with her costar, but will consider losing weight after the Holidays in a message filled with hashtags.

Physician Uses Own Weight-Loss Journey To Help Others ‘Find Their Inner Athlete’

Dr. Danielle Mitchell, 5-Time IronMan finisher, Launches Chattanooga Sports Institute And Center For Health

Friday, December 27, 2013
Dr. Danielle Mitchell, founder of Chattanooga Sports Institute and Center for Health, uses her own weight-loss story to help others.
Dr. Danielle Mitchell, founder of Chattanooga Sports Institute and Center for Health, uses her own weight-loss story to help others.

In 2007, physician Danielle Mitchell received a shock when she saw two words written on her own medical record: “morbidly obese.”  Dr. Mitchell had struggled with weight her whole life. “I well 
remember people making fun of me as a child,” she says. But her story was not a typical one in some ways. She was physically active and had completed marathons in 2003 and 2006 despite weighing more than 200 pounds. But now, at 250 pounds, it was clear she had to make some changes. She joined Weight Watchers and within a couple of months, had lost nearly 30 pounds. 
She set a goal of being able to compete in an IronMan Triathalon, something she had dreamed of doing for years. By the end of 18 months, she had lost nearly 100 pounds. She is now a five-time IronMan finisher and continues to be an avid cyclist and runner. tinyurl.com/m698q58

Friday 27 December 2013

Nutrition News: Eating on a budget

After the holidays, we tend to think about losing weight and saving money; getting back on a healthy eating plan and back on a budget.
There's plenty of January advice about losing weight. We've put together 10 tips to help stretch the food budget.
1. Plan, plan, plan. Before you head to the grocery store, plan your meals for the week. Include meals like stews, casseroles and stir-fries that stretch expensive items into more portions. Check to see what foods you already have and make a list of what you need to purchase. Then stick to the list.
2. Get the best price. Check the local newspaper, online and store flyers for sales and coupons. Ask about a loyalty card for extra savings at the stores where you shop. Look for specials or sales on meat and seafood.
3. Compare and contrast. Locate the unit price on the shelf directly below the product

Read more.. http://tinyurl.com/llhx2nw

Tips for losing weight and keeping it off in Denison Jan. 9

The typical American gains 5-6 pounds over the holidays.  The New Year is here and it may be the right time to shed a few pounds.  But the weather may prevent us from getting outside for our typical physical activity. Maybe you just want to learn the latest information on reducing your risk of chronic diseases.  
Whatever the reason, it is always a great time to start your path toward a healthier lifestyle. Come join Holly VanHeel, ISU Extension Nutrition and Health Program Specialist at Crawford County Extension and Outreach on Jan. 9, 2014, at 35 South Main Street, Denison.  The program is being offered at 6 p.m.  
Call the Crawford County office at 712-263-4697 to register and reserve your seat.  With your registration fee, you will receive information, tips and some practical ways to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Registration deadline is Jan. 6, 2014.  The fees for service will be used to off-set direct expenses and to support the Human Sciences County Extension Program.

A new year, a new you

A new year usually comes with a variety of resolutions, most often in the form of a promise to oneself to alter a bad habit or a determination to become healthier. From quitting smoking to losing weight, New Year’s resolutions are plentiful.
Making the resolution is easy; however, following through with it can be difficult. Life can sometimes get in the way and it sometimes becomes tiresome to stay committed. The local gym, Built 4 Life, owned by Jenna Jensen, understands this and has organized a 2nd annual Weight Loss Challenge after the success of last year’s program to run between Jan. 6th and April. 6th.

“I had almost 30 people register for the challenge, and over 130 lbs were lost in total!” Jensen exclaims...

The Nottingham woman who nearly halved her body weight: Find out how she did it

EVERY New Year Denise Winwood would say despairingly to her husband Rob "will I ever be thin?"
After spending most of her adult life on a diet, with her weight yo-yo-ing, she always thought she would have a battle to shed her extra pounds.
At one point she weighed more than 20 stones.
In August 2011 the turning point came for Denise, when she joined a gym and began to exercise for the first time in 25 years.
Over the next four months she got fitter – and was delighted to lose more than two stones. But Denise was still struggling to lose any more weight.
"This time I decided that I would not give up. I would reach my goal no matter how long it took, so I sought out a personal trainer," she said.

Read more:http://tinyurl.com/mt44z25

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Now Provide Unlimited Support and Motivation to Help Dieters Lose Weight Fast

Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/27/2013 -- Dieters in the United States are used to seeing celebrities lose weight fast with the help of expert weight loss coaches and health care workers, but rarely hear celebrities’ motivation for eliminating excess weight. Recently, a newly thin celebrity revealed that her motivation to lose weight fast stems from her upcoming nuptials. Whatever the reason for discovering a slimmer, sexier figure, whether it’s an upcoming wedding or other special motivation, Diet Doc’s team of weight management experts work closely with their clients to find the best weight loss methods for their personal needs. Through Diet Doc’s exclusive weight loss programs, thousands of dieters across the United States, including many dieters across the country, have been able to successfully rid themselves of embarrassing fat around their stomach, thighs and underarms, with some dieters losing up to almost a pound of fat per day. 

Woman to open slimming club after weight loss

A beauty therapist is setting up her own weight loss club after losing over three-and-a-half stone in just over two years.
Amy Goddard, 27, of Osborne Road, Leyton, is starting her own group of Slimming World in Wanstead which she joined to lose weight before being a bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding.
Miss Goddard has always suffered with food allergies and believes this was one of the main things stopping her from losing weight.
She said: “Losing weight can be difficult but with the added problem of food allergies and intolerances it can seem impossible.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Alison Sweeney shares tips for losing the baby weight

Alison Sweeney and her kidsThe Biggest Loser host and Days of our Lives star Alison Sweeney chats with us about motherhood, handling picky eaters and how she not only lost the baby weight — but kept it off as well!

We also asked Sweeney the question on everyone’s mind: Which trainer from The Biggest Loser would she pick to train her?
Days of our Lives fans practically grew up with Alison Sweeney and her character of Sami Brady, and they watched as she struggled with her weight, before slimming down to the healthy weight she is today.

Forbes Living TV Offers a Top Weight Loss Programs Series

St. Petersburg, FL (PRWEB) December 25, 2013
The producers of Forbes Living TV are excited to announce their new series, "Today's Weight Loss Programs". Practically everyone wants to lose weight at some point -- whether it's for a special event, to rock that summer bikini, or to look like the models. Losing weight is a goal that's shared by females and males of all ages. Forbes Living discovers some of today's successful weight loss programs that are helping people achieve and maintain a healthy weight. The show covers workouts, fitness equipment, recipes, meal plans, tools, gadgets, and more that support weight loss goals and produce healthy results.

members celebrate huge losses

It’s the season to be jolly but these Slimming World members certainly have something to celebrate.
For them, 2013 has meant a huge change for the better as they’ve lost weight and now feel great.
We joined consultant Dan Ryan’s Glasnevin group at the Ardmore Hotel for their Christmas party to hear some of the amazing member stories for this year.
Amy Clarke, 29, Ballymun
I have lost 4 st 10lb and am now a target member.
I joined on Valentine’s Day two years ago and I really did it for myself because I had put on too much weight. I tried on a pair of jeans and a size 20 wouldn’t fit so that was the final straw. I had to do something for myself.

Weight Watchers: Jessica Simpson New Baby Fat Loss So Stressful Fashion Mogul Develops Rash

With all the business obligations and personal responsibilities that Jessica Simpson has on her shoulders, you can forgive all the extra weight on her hips, but Weight Watchers can’t. Fashion mogul Simpson, who was still dealing with losing an extra 50 pounds when she got pregnant again, was, against all conceivable odds, able to keep the lucrative deal with Weight Watchers. Though now, also against all conceivable odds, she has to lose the weight or lose the deal. Simpson showed just how little the pressure was getting to her, when she showed up for Women’s Wear Daily’s Footwear News Achievement Awards with a gigantic red stress rash on her chest.
read more..tinyurl.com/lpz3med

Golborne diabetic controls condition by losing weight

A DIABETIC has got her condition under control by losing weight.
Barbara Lyons, who lives in Golborne, was injecting insulin twice a day, taking two tablets a day for high blood pressure plus medication for rheumatoid arthritis and high cholesterol.
But, after losing three stone she has transformed her life and now only takes one tablet per day for high blood pressure.
Julie Woodward, a Slimming World consultant, said: “Barbara is a lovely lady who has totally transformed her life, she is a true inspiration to other diabetics and would love to share her story and inspire others.”

For teacher/coach, struggle precedes weight-loss success

Josh Folsom, an Orland Park native and Thornwood High School teacher and football coach, said he had to set aside his pride when making the decision to undergo gastric bypass surgery to lose weight.
By age 28, Folsom’s weight already had soared to 440 pounds, even after he tried several well-known dietary and exercise programs.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

First US Healthcare Promotes First Line Of Defense In Safe Responsible Weight Loss

Dec 24, 2013 (Menafn - M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) --First US Healthcare has launched their site to prevent a wide range of medical problems by helping people to lose weight responsibly and effectively.
Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom - In the 21st century the promotion of instant gratification has caused some curious side-effects. Namely, that anything which requires a long term and gradual mindset is often eschewed in favor of an inferior but more immediate methodology. Healthy food takes time to prepare so people eat fast food high in fat and cause an obesity epidemic. Crash dieting promises people a way to lose a lot of weight short term, but the stresses this puts on the body puts people at risk. First US Healthcare has launched a website that prioritizes healthy weight loss and the transformation to a healthy lifestyle to address these issues.

Nothing ‘new’ about new year’s resolutions

WHEN it comes to new year’s resolutions, it’s same old, same old.
Every year we start with the best of intentions to lose weight, stop smoking, spend more time with family, and pursue a new interest, career path, or hobby. And 2014 will be no different.
obese man Australia weight crisis
According to research from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), quitting smoking, weight loss, studying and nurturing personal relationships are the most popular when it comes to new year’s resolutions.
Unfortunately, based on figures from previous years, we are not always managing to sustain these resolutions.
“The national smoking rate has decreased consistently over the past decade, from 22 per cent in 2001 to 16 per cent in 2011-12, so more of us are definitely quitting,” said ABS Director, Fiona Dowsley

Home Weight loss program ‘a life-changing experience

It’s that time of year to start considering what goals to set for the new year.

Sarah Mammarella, a registered dietician and the family and consumer sciences agent for the North Carolina Cooperative Extension in Richmond County, has a program to help people gain a healthy lifestyle and potentially lose those extra pounds from the holiday season. The weight loss program is starting on Jan. 9 and will be held on every Thursday for eight weeks, but this isn’t the first time the program has been in session.

“I piloted the program this past January,” Mammarella said. “That was the first time it was ever offered. It lasts for eight weeks. I usually do one program, take a couple of weeks off and then start a new one.”

Monday 23 December 2013

Blaenavon woman Rachel Pocknell sheds ten stones - and mum Sue sheds seven

South Wales Argus: OLD CLOTHES: Rachel and mum Sue Pocknell pictured with the clothes they wore before losing 10 and seven stones respectively.

OLD CLOTHES: Rachel and mum Sue Pocknell pictured with the clothes they wore before losing 10 and seven stones respectivel
A YOUNG woman from Blaenavon has lost ten stone - and is now set to become a personal trainer.
Her weight loss has also helped her mum Sue lose seven stones.
Rachel Pocknell from Blaenavon was so overweight in 2010 she needed a seat belt extension to help her buckle up during a flight to Australia.
But now – after losing ten stones - she is two-and-a-half stone off her target.
Miss Pocknell, 28, who says she was bullied because of her weight, said: “It’s very hard to sum up in words how much my life has actually changed for the better.

Kick-start your weight-loss journey

7 hours ago  •  
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After dinner at our grandma’s house, my sister and I often crept down the stairs and through the long hallway to the fitness room. We passed by the rowing machine, Nordic Track, weights and other exercise devices, and headed straight for the scale-like machine that sat against the wall.
One at a time, we stepped onto the platform, wrapped the wide canvas belt around our waists and flipped the switch. The machine rumbled as it vibrated, shaking the belt furiously as we timed how long we could go before our full tummies protested.
While the 1960s vibrating belt machine wa

How Julie Real Lost Over 100 Pounds

Julie Real was ready to lose the weight she had gained after having birth to her second child. Nevertheless, it took a tragic event to make her fully commit and succeed at losing 105 pounds.
Originally aired on December 23, 201

What is healthy weight loss?

It's natural for anyone trying to lose weight to want to lose it very quickly. But evidence shows that people who lose weight gradually and steadily (about 1 to 2 pounds per week) are more successful at keeping weight off. Healthy weight loss isn't just about a "diet" or "program". It's about an ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating and exercise habits.
To lose weight, you must use up more calories than you take in. Since one pound equals 3,500 calories, you need to reduce your caloric intake by 500—1000 calories per day to lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week.1
Once you've achieved a healthy weight, by relying on healthful eating and physical activity most days of the week (about 60—90 minutes, moderate intensity), you are more likely to be successful at keeping the weight off over the long term

Losing 6st means I can finally wear the party dress I always dreamed about

AT SIZE 20, Aleshea McIntosh dreaded dressing up for the Christmas party - but now she has lost 6st and can't wait to show off her trim new figure in a revealing dress.. Getting dressed up for a Christmas party is all part of the fun of the festive season and back in December 2010 Aleshea McIntosh donned her best party frock and headed off on a girls' night out feeling great. "It was the end of December and we went to a lovely Indian restaurant," she says. "I remember feeling good about how I looked, despite wearing a size 18/20 dress and weighing 16st 7lb." The girls partied the night away but reality came crashing down on Aleshea when she saw the photos from her big night out and was mortified. "I happily posed for photos but when I saw one particular picture I thought 'that's awful' and was so embarrassed." Aleshea, now 30, from Burnley, had no idea she'd put on so much weight. Until meeting husband Wayne she had been a size 14, but the weight slowly crept on. "When I first got together with Wayne in 2004 I was a size 14 and weighed 13st," she explains. "In the early days everything revolved around food. We'd go on dates to the pub or have takeaway pizza." When the couple moved in together a year later Wayne's snacking habits became Aleshea's too. "He's terrible for eating chocolate and sweets," she says. "We never cooked and would just bung ready meals on baking trays. I also spent a lot of time eating out and drinking wine with my friends, and my weight was soon pushing 14st. "Even though I was buying size 16 jeans I told myself I was still a size 14 and that the shop had made them too small. Because I was tall, I thought I could get away with it." After getting married in August 2006 Aleshea, a clerical officer, fell pregnant and gave birth to their daughter Eva, now five, in February 2008. Afterwards, she tipped the scales at 17st 7lb and wore a size 20. "I thought I could lose the baby weight on my own but despite my best efforts, between 2008 and 2010, I had limited results. I joined Weight Watchers but only stuck at it for a few weeks." However those 2010 Christmas shots finally gave Aleshea the push she needed to make a change. "I'd spent Christmas Day eating a full fry-up, chocolates, a big turkey dinner with the works, including roast potatoes and dessert, plus sandwiches later. "That New Year's Eve I sat with my mother-in-law Susan, who was also overweight, and we made a resolution to join Weight Watchers and stick at it." christmas, christmas dinner, xmas dinner, weight, weight watchers, alesheaAleshea as she is today [ STUART MASON] This Christmas Day I'm wearing a gorgeous purple dress with the back cut out. It's something I never would have dreamed of wearing when I was big Aleshea signed up in January 2011 and took to the points-based plan instantly. She had a daily point allowance and was told how every item of food and drink had a point value that can be worked out on a calculator. "I started on 34 points per day but I didn't struggle because I changed how I prepared my food," she says. "I cooked from scratch and made family friendly meals like pasta bake with home-made sauce and wholegrain pasta, chicken and rice, and my spaghetti bolognese is packed with vegetables. "I stopped drinking as much. When you have to choose between food or alcohol, food wins, and I lost 4lb in my first week." Aleshea knew that if she wanted to lose the fat she had to get fit, so bought herself a pedometer. "I went from being a big couch potato to walking a few nights a week and then joined a running club." Five months later, Aleshea had lost 2st 7lb and was a size 12/14. Then she discovered she was pregnant with her second child Violet, now one. She was just 10lb from target. "I was surprised but we were both really happy, although as you can't attend Weight Watchers when pregnant I worried I was going to get fat again," she admits. "Instead of using pregnancy as an excuse to eat I took all the knowledge I'd learned and carried on eating my five a day, kept up with my walking and tried to swim every week. I also went to a pregnancy aerobics class. "At Christmas I didn't want to ruin months of hard work so I made better choices. If I had a chocolate I'd factor it into my point allowance. "At lunch I'd have turkey and loads of vegetables but only one or two roast potatoes and during the pregnancy I only gained 1st 3lb." After Violet was born on January 23, 2012, Aleshea had to wait six weeks before returning to her class, but got to her goal weight of 11st 7lb in September and is now a svelte size 10/12. "I've maintained this weight ever since and I'm passing my healthy habits on to my children. Our elder daughter does 5k park runs with me and sometimes I even push Violet around in the pram. I also ran a 10k this summer. "I've asked for running shoes this Christmas and a GPS watch so I'll be ready to start training for my new goal, which is to run the half marathon at next year's Great North Run. "This Christmas Day I'm wearing a gorgeous purple dress from Dorothy Perkins with the back cut out. It's something I never would have dreamed of wearing when I was big. "I'm even wearing a belt to cinch in my waist and show off my new slim figure."tinyurl.com/kpuknm8

Sunday 22 December 2013

How Not to Gain Weight

I recently had lunch with two friends and mentioned that I was a “recovering fatty” and justly proud of it. I lost 40 pounds years ago and have kept it off for life. They wanted to know how I did it and suggested I write a column about it. It’s fairly easy to lose weight but keeping it off is just about impossible. The 40 pounds I lost is just about half my body weight since I fluctuate between about 85 pounds and 88 pounds. Lest you think I have an eating disorder, I am actually very healthy but am very small—5-foot tall and very small-boned. I first lost weight at the age of 16. In six months I had lost 25 pounds going from 128 pounds to 103 pounds. I had always been chubby but I was getting bigger and bigger until finally, I realized I had to do something. As my weight diminished, I remember saying to my mother: “I can’t wait until I lose weight so I can go back to eating normally.” My mother replied: “Then why bother losing weight? As soon as you go back to eating ‘normally’ you’ll gain weight again.” I thought about this and realized that she was right. I realized I had to constantly watch my weight. The price of being thin is the same as the price of democracy—constant vigilance. After getting down to 103 pounds, I stayed there for a while and then went down to 99 pounds. A couple of years later while on vacation, some friends took photos of me. After seeing the photos, I decided I wanted to be thinner. It took me a few months, but I went down to 92 pounds where I stayed until grief from a death in my family caused me to go down to 82 pounds. I realized 82 pounds was too thin even for me and forced myself to get up to 88 pounds where I’ve pretty much stayed ever since. How I’ve done it is by watching what I eat. I don’t diet and don’t count calories. But I do know that French fries are very fattening and a baked potato is not. So I eat the baked sweet potato and haven’t had fries in years. Nothing tastes better than being thin feels. I make smart choices and practice portion control. I also walk everywhere (miles a day) and work out with weights at home a few days a week. But, and this is a big but, I don’t obsess about my weight. I give myself permission to go off on occasion and eat whatever I want. Since I don’t do it all the time, I know that if I go back to eating normally, there’s no harm done. I even have chocolate cake at times, and recently, I had paté de fois gras—which is very fatty—and enjoyed every morsel. Every woman wants to lose weight, providing that it can be done by waving a magic wand—that’s not possible, but it is possible to lose weight and keep it off with self-discipline and good eating habits. Miriam Silverberg is a freelance journalist and owner of Miriam Silverberg Associates, a boutique publicity firm in Manhattan. She may be reached at silverbergm@mindspring.com.

Losing Weight Is Harder For Black Women On Same Diet As White Women

In life, not much is fair. With everything else being equal, a new study on obesity shows that African American women lost fewer pounds than their white counterparts, while adhering to the same dietary strictures and exercise regimens. Leading the study at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, investigator James DeLany says black women experience slower metabolisms, decreasing their daily expenditure of calories. "African-American women have a lower energy expenditure,” Delany told Health Day. “They're going to have to eat fewer calories than they would if they were Caucasian, and/or increase their physical activity more.” In the study, Delany and his colleagues followed 39 African American women and 66 white women, all of whom were severely obese. All of the women were placed on 1,800-calorie daily diets, with identical exercise requirements. The investigators measured weight changes and fluctuations in energy expenditure, as well as making objective assessments of physical activity and energy intake over the course of the six-month study. Within the study, investigators also made closer comparisons of 25 black women with 25 white women, matched for initial body weight. Over the course of the study, African American women adhered to the dietary restrictions just as well as the white women. Yet, investigators neglected to account for metabolic differences between the two groups, which would require a greater exercise regimen for black women for similar results. “Therefore, to achieve similar weight loss in [African American] women, the prescribed caloric restriction cannot be based on weight alone, but must be lower than in Caucasians to account for lower energy requirements,” they wrote in a paper published Friday. Follow Us Mitch Roslin, chief of bariatric surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, told Health Day that racial differences in health are not the work of what sociologists might call a human construct. "These things are real,” Roslin said. "However, this study advances our understanding by ruling out other explanations. It's not just related to socioeconomic class or access to care or environmental situations." Although the racial imbalance has been known to science, Roslin says the new study helps to eliminate other possible explanations, such as socioeconomic status or environmental factors. Essentially, racial imbalances in obesity may stem from varying evolutionary pasts with regard to diet, with Americans of all races sharing a diet now based mostly on European culture. Source: Delany, J.P., Jakicic, J.M., Lowery, J.B., Hames, K.C., Kelley, D.E., Goodpaster, B.H. African American Women Exhibit Similar Adherence To Intervention But Lose Less Weight Due To Lower Energy Requirements. International Journal of Obesity. 2013.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass and other types of weight-loss surgery are done in the hospital. General anesthesia is used for weight-loss surgery. This means you're unconscious during the procedure.The specifics of your surgery depend on your individual situation, the type of weight-loss surgery you have, and the hospital's or doctor's practices. Some weight-loss surgeries are done with traditional large, or open, incisions in your abdomen. Today, most types of bariatric surgery are performed laparoscopically. A laparoscope is a small, tubular instrument with a camera attached. The laparoscope is inserted through small incisions in the abdomen. The tiny camera on the tip of the laparoscope allows the surgeon to see and operate inside your abdomen without making the traditional large incisions. Laparoscopic surgery can make your recovery faster and shorter, but it's not suitable for everyone. Surgery usually takes several hours. After surgery, you awaken in a recovery room, where medical staff monitors you for any complications. Your hospital stay may last from three to five days. Types of bariatric surgery Each type of bariatric surgery has pros and cons. Be sure to talk to your doctor about them. Here's a look at common types of bariatric surgery: http://mayoclinic.com

Dangers of Crash Dieting

Planning to go on a diet? The following article which lists all the potential dangers of crash dieting, is sure to change your mind. Read on...

So, you have a wedding to attend in a week's time? The problem is that you have gained weight recently and have outgrown the dress that you planned to wear for the occasion! What do you do now? Spend a good amount of dollars on buying a new dress or lose some quick weight by going on a crash diet and fit into your favorite outfit? Knowing women, most of them, especially the ones who are unaware of the side effects of crash dieting, will opt for the latter! Only if they knew how disadvantageous crash diets can be in the long run, would they think otherwise!

How Crash Diets Harm your Health

First and foremost, pick up any crash diet, be it the lemonade diet or the Acai Berry diet or the cabbage soup diet, almost all of them stress on eating particular kinds of foods and eliminating others from the diet. The foods that are eliminated are essentially healthy foods which supply the body with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that it needs to function properly. So, simply imagine what happens when the body does not receive these essentials. Can it remain healthy? Obviously no! Let us know in detail about the disadvantages of crash dieting.

Weakened Immunity
If the body is not provided with the right nourishment, its immunity gets weakened. Due to this, a person is much more likely to contract infections and diseases. Thus, going on a crash diet is like giving an invitation to all kinds of infections and diseases.

Lack of Energy
Extreme fatigue, dizziness, inability to concentrate or focus, all these are commonly experienced by 

people who are on a diet. These conditions can adversely affect the work performance as well.

Weight Gain
Yes! It's true! Crash dieting can actually lead to weight gain. Reason being that when the body receives lesser calories, it starts relying on the stores of fat and energy that are already there in it. This means that the metabolism of the body becomes slow and thus, a person is not able to eliminate fats quickly, 

Read more.  http://www.buzzle.com/articles/dangers-of-crash-dieting.html

Weight lose tips and advice

Sunday, 3 February 2013

What Are Crash Diets?

A healthy diet is an essential component of any type of weight loss program. Exercise is the other important component which makes the program complete. So, you can say that weight loss is a dual process and it cannot be achieved with only one component. Many overweight people fail to understand this and they resort to crash diets to lose weight fast.

Crash dieting is cutting down on daily calorie intake significantly. When you go on a crash diet, you eat small amounts of food. This type of diet is not good for a healthy mind and body. If you follow this type of a diet for a long time, you are sure to experience a number of potentially serious health issues.

Disadvantages of crash diet

·    Crash diet deprives your body of nutrients that are necessary for good health.
·    This type of diet is synonymous to starvation.
·    Crash diet may result in ill-health and ailments.
·    Crash diets slow down the metabolism.
·    It deprives your body of energy.
·    Crash dieting is only good for short term weight loss.
·    You resume eating a lot after the crash diet. So, you gain more weight later.

Effectiveness of crash diet

A diet program is only good when it is effective. So – is crash diet good and effective? My answer is a big "NO". Although crash dieting can make you lose weight, the duration of the 
lost pounds is temporary. When you resume your regular diet, you will gain more weight because your metabolism has become very slow. Your body becomes unable to burn more calories. All in all, crash diet becomes ineffective and even dangerous.

Top five dangers of crash dieting

We’ve all heard the warnings about crash dieting, but when faced with a time crunch, many people still resort to eating nothing but spinach and egg whites for a week in an effort to show up at a special event looking like Victoria Beckham. For many people, reunions, weddings, formal events and spring break vacations all provide sufficient motivation to google the recipe for the infamous cabbage soup diet. However, although diets like these can provide a quick five-pound drop, there are many dangers and negative side-effects of crash dieting that you might not know. USC nutritionist Patrice Barber tells us about the dangers of extreme dieting. 
Read more..http://www-scf.usc.edu/~edarling/sub2.html

Friday 20 December 2013

Rebecca loves her family's healthier lifestyle after losing 2 stone.

“You meet like-minded people who are going through the same weight loss issues. Whether 2 pounds, 2 stone or 15 stone to lose, we were all going through the same thing.


Rebecca Bailey lost 2 stone with Weight Watchers and credits her local meetings with helping her achieve weight loss success. “The classes were essential to me losing the weight. My leader, Angela, was very inspirational to me. I remember her words to me when I first got on the scale; she said ‘that’s the last time you’ll be this weight’. And she was right.”

Rebecca started Weight Watchers after seeing an unflattering New Year’s Eve photo. “It was the most hideous photograph I have ever seen of myself. I looked at it and thought ‘I need to do something about this’.” 

Rebecca's Vital Statistics

Name: Rebecca
Height: 5ft 9ins
Was: 14st 1lb
Lost: 28lbs
Weight: 12st 1lb
As of 14/11/2013

“Over the years the weight had slowly crept on. I didn’t buy any new clothes because I had convinced myself that I could still fit into my old ones. I said to my husband Nick that I was going to join Weight Watchers and he simply said ‘got for it’.”

Having the support of her family was important to Rebecca, but it was also essential that her weight loss journey would fit in with her family life. “I’ve got two young children and a husband; Weight Watchers enabled me to still do what I needed to do for me without restricting them.”
Read More..tinyurl.com/lop9mpm

After Conquering A Fear Of The Gym, Hank Hanna Lost 105 Pounds And Completed A Half Ironman

Name: Hank Hanna
Age: 35
Height: 6'3"
Before Weight: 360 pounds
How I Gained It: I am one of those guys who has always been heavy. Growing up, I was almost always one of the biggest people in the room. That never kept me from eating like a complete garbage disposal. I ate nachos and quesadillas a lot, and there was a time when I would drink four or more 20-ounce sodas a day. By the time I got to college, I was not able to purchase pants off the rack. By the time I graduated college, I had trouble fitting into booths at restaurants.
I tried all sorts of crash diets, and I even went for a bariatric surgery consult. It turned out that I was a candidate. I left the doctor's office feeling like a miserable failure, but I decided that as a 30 year old, I was still young enough to take.......

‘Big Dave’ loses eight stone - but he says he's still got a long way to go

                                                            The Bolton News: Dave Fleming

ANYONE looking for inspiration to get fit and lose weight in the New Year should look no further than Dave Fleming — winner of the Get Active Health Improvement Award.
The 45-year-old says he had always battled with his weight and was known to friends as “Big Dave” — a nickname he had accepted as “who he was”.
Mr Fleming had tried diets and had shed some of the weight, but the pounds would always creep back on.
But last March, the salesman from Smithills decided enough was enough and went to his GP for help

Thursday 19 December 2013

Three tips to prevent holiday season weight gain

December 19th, 2013

Between Halloween to New Year’s Day, Canadians can easily gain 5 to 10 pounds during the holiday season. Here are my top three tips for you to give like Santa instead of looking like him.

1) Never go to a party hungry
Many people think that if they are going to party they should “save up” their calories from the day. Unfortunately by doing this your body consumes too many calories at one time and weight gain occurs.
On the day of the party it’s important to eat small meals throughout the day that include fibre and protein. Eating high fiber foods is a great way to feel full and not over indulge. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables with low fat cheese or hummus will keep you satisfied.
Studies show that switching to dairy products as a snack is a good way to lose weight. Try low fat Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or making a dip with low fat sour cream. They can make you feel full without sacrificing the flavour. If you know the party is starting late make sure to have a snack before you go.

2) Drink smart
It’s nearly impossible to go to a party without having an alcoholic beverage. However, certain drinks are better to have than others. Here are some alcohol facts:
* Alcohol itself is higher....
Read more... tinyurl.com/n4qt7gb

Utahn on 'Biggest Loser' loses weigh-in, is eliminated

Utahn Hap Holmstead was one of two contestants eliminated during Tuesday’s episode of The Biggest Loser Second Chances on NBC.
The teams were dissolved Tuesday and it became an individual game for the 10 contestants seeking the title of the "Biggest Loser” and the $250,000 prize.
Holmstead lost 5 pounds in this week’s episode and worked out with a different trainer, Dolvett Quince.
The 26-year-old sales consultant's total weight loss is 87 pounds, taking him from 403 pounds to 316 pounds while on the show. But he and Matt Hooper, 38, of Georgetown, Mass., had lost the least percentage of body weight this week and landed below the red line. Both had previously been on the Blue Team with trainer Bob Harper.