
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Sunday 2 February 2014

Maintaining the shape you want is about more than weight loss

Posted: Sunday, February 2, 2014 6:00 am

Imagine from year to year that your weight and height do not change, yet you find yourself having to buy clothes a size bigger. How can this be? While the scale shows your weight only, it neglects to show your body composition (muscle to fat ratio) which is much more important and much more informative than a 3-digit number on the scale.
Too often the scale is relied on as a sole means of progress, when in actuality it does not tell you anything other than your weight, which fluctuates every day, even every hour. When you know what your body is made of and can see the inches come off and your body composition improve, regardless of any weight loss, you are more likely to stick with your healthy habits and keep working towards your goal.

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