
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Saturday 1 February 2014

Weight Loss 101

Is one of your 2014 New Year’s resolutions to lose weight? If so, how did the first month go? 
Did you meet your January target of pounds lost or number of fitness classes attended? More importantly, how do you feel about your weight-loss self? 
If you find yourself struggling or feel as if you are meeting your goals by dint of will power that is sapping your enthusiasm, then read further. 
Unsuccessful weight-loss attempts often have nothing to do with lack of information or will power, but more to do with not having the right mindset and not finding the right combination of solutions that work for you. 
Oftentimes, people who wish to lose weight think about how they must change their diet or get to the gym, but fail to succeed simply because they never took into account their lifestyle choices, or the underlying patterns that led to their being overweight in the first place. 
In order to be successful at getting to your optimal weight, you must build a skill set that supports weight management...

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