
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Monday 13 January 2014

Doc Talk: Can’t lose weight? You might need more sleep

Troubling managing your weight? Lack of sleep may be the culprit.
It is no secret that our society struggles with excess weight and weight-loss resistance. Researchers at John Hopkins University estimate that by this time next year more than 75 percent of Americans will be overweight, with a staggering 41 percent of them classified as obese. Many blame the propensity to overeat and indulge in junk food on a lack of will power; however, science is now showing it may be related to hormones.
There are two hormones associated with ...
Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2014/01/13/3226398/cant-lose-weight-you-might-need.html#storylink=cpy

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