
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Tuesday 28 January 2014

HEALTHY LIVING: Is this diet for me?

Back in the news after a positive study printed in the New England Journal of Medicine – here we are again – wondering how we can eat more like Cretans.  Eat delicious with health benefits.

First and foremost – bump up your fruit and non-starchy vegetable intake.  New recommendations are saying nine to 11 servings a day.  That’s right, a day.  Many people get one, per week.  These new recommendations sound insane but the serving sizes are small.  Salad for instance.  One cup is a serving.  A main course salad then can have nearly four to five servings.  For a cooked or raw vegetable – a half a cup.  For fruit:   half a cup of fresh fruit, a quarter cup of dried fruit, a small piece.  See how fast that nine to 11 disappears?  And your waistline with it.

Read more. http://bristolpress.com/articles/2014/01/27/news/doc52e72540b1358892196168

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